Hygiene challenges faced by pharmacies today:
- Their staff must maintain proper hand hygiene, while maintaining a high level of productivity in the delivery of medications to patients.
- Often, the pharmacy work area has the highest patient traffic 24 hours daily, with almost no time for hospital staff to close the work area for disinfection or cleaning maintenance.
- Contaminated environmental surfaces within the pharmacy work area is a reservoir for transmission of pathogens directly through patient contact with the environment or indirectly through contamination of healthcare workers’ hands and gloves.
- Environmentally friendly cleaning is important for reducing microbial contamination of surfaces and subsequent risk for health care–associated infections (HAIs).
Project Background
The designer was finding a better solution to reduce the risk of microbial contamination in the high traffic pharmacy space, which helps to limit the bacteria growth. Thus, creating a more hygienic interior environment for both the hospital staff and the patients.
Meganite's Solution:
- Meganite enhanced antimicrobial surface – AcryMed fits perfectly with the designer’s demand.
- AcryMed is certified in accordance with ISO 22196 and JIS Z 2801 and it offers integrated hygienic surface protection with a significant impact that works effectively against bacteria.
- AcryMed enhances indoor environment surfaces by protecting the surfaces against deterioration, stains and odor-causing bacteria.